# Overview
This section contains applications, and scenario specific guides for Pomerium.
- The ad-guard recipe demonstrates how pomerium can be used to augment web applications that only support simplistic authorization mechanisms like basic-auth with single-sign-on driven access policy.
- The argo guide demonstrates how pomerium can be used to add access control to Argo (opens new window).
- The Cloud Run recipe demonstrates deploying pomerium to Google Cloud Run as well as using it to Authorize users to protected Cloud Run endpoints.
- The Kubernetes Dashboard guide covers how to secure Kubernetes dashboard using Pomerium.
- The kubernetes guide covers how to add authentication and authorization to kubernetes dashboard using helm, and letsencrypt certificates. This guide also shows how third party reverse-proxies like nginx/traefik can be used in conjunction with pomerium using forward-auth.
- The local OIDC guide demonstrates how pomerium can be used with local OIDC server for dev/testing.
- The mTLS guide demonstrates how pomerium can be used to add mutual authentication using client certificates and a custom certificate authority.
- The TiddlyWiki guide demonstrates how pomerium can be used to add authentication and authorization to web application using authenticated header.
- The visual studio code guide demonstrates how pomerium can be used to add access control to third-party applications that don't ship with fine-grained access control (opens new window).
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